Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Contemporary Christian Music

The controversy over Contemporary Music versus Traditional music has been going on in the churches for several years. Who is right? Is there room for compromise?

I have been a Christian for a little over 15 years. In that time my family has attended three churches. The first was a little country Southern Baptist church in Mississippi. Every Sunday we went to church and sang from our Baptist Hymnal. Some of the songs were inspiring. Many held no meaning for me at all. But this is what everyone sang in church at the time.

Two years later my husband was transfered to the St. Louis area. After finding our home our next objective was to find a new church. Luckily, right up the road from our new home was a Southern Baptist Church. We joined within a few months and attended for 13 years. Again, every Sunday we sang out of the Baptist Hymnal accompanied by the piano and sometimes an organ. Same songs from before. Soon after moving to the area I discovered a Christian radio station that played Christian music. The music was new and fresh and so inspiring. I became hooked on contemporary Christian music but I never dreamed of singing these songs in church. Until....

Over the last several years there has been a huge controversy in churches - Contemporary vs. Traditional. Contemporary churches claim they are trying to reach a new generation and while the message is not changing the method is. Traditionalists claim that churhces using contemporary music are compromising with the world. So who is right?

After studying the Word concerning this issue I think a mixed service of both contemporary and traditional music is the most biblical. Why

Paul's Example (Acts 17:16-34)

There is nothing wordly about meeting people where they are. Speaking their language. Finding common ground. Isn't this what Paul did when he spoke to the Athenians? Paul began finding common ground with the men of Athens by meeting them in the public square daily. He spoke with them and debated with them. Then, he addressed them with a sermon. Not filled with a historical discourse as his sermons usually were. But based off of the common ground he had already established. He used examples they would understand and he slowly moved the people toward a decision for Jesus Christ. Paul never changed the truth of the message but he often changed his approach to fit his audience.

Music is so prevelant in our culture today (especially in America) that it is very easy to find a common ground or "language" with it. Just as Paul used the "unknown god" to establish a dialogue with the men of Athens, churches can use music to reach people.

David's Example

David is probably the most prolific songwriter in the Bible. The book of Psalms records many of his songs. He celebrated God's power and mercy and love over and over again. David wrote these songs so that the people of Israel could hear and understand God's mighty power. He also wrote them so that the people would not forget how God had worked in their midst.

He did not write them all at one time. The songs were written as God revealed more of himself to David and the people. Each time a major event occured in the life of David or Israel, he would write a "new song" to commemorate it. (Psalms 33:3; 40:3; 96:1; 98:1; 144:9; 149:1). He would then tell the people to remember these songs and to sing them for their children and grandchildren so that God's works would not be forgotten.

God is still at work!!

Traditional churches are doing a fine job of reminding the generations of what God has done. But has God stopped working? Absolutely not!! He is still actively working in the lives of people today. Shouldn't we still be celebrating his work? Wouldn't it be much more relevant to people of this generation to show that God is as real today as he was in David's time? Many of the songs in the Baptist Hymnal were written between 1800-1950. These songs were "contemporary" at the time they were written. The writers of these songs were like David - writing praise to the Lord for what He had done in their lives. Contemporary Christian artists are writing about the work of the Lord in the 21st century. Shouldn't the churches be teaching their children and grandchildren of God's continuing love and grace while reminding them of all he has done in the past?

Why is this such a difficult concept?

Many preachers preach that people do not want to hear the gospel because they do not want to face the sin in their lives. I believe there is a similar scenario concerning traditionalists. (This is not true in all cases but in many). It is much easier and safer to delegate God to a God of the past. We can come to church on Sunday morning and praise Him for what he has done and that is safe, comfortable. If we admit that God is still working it means he is still working on us!! If are hearts are tuned to look for where God is at work right now it might mean we have to do something (other than sit in the pew). It might mean that we have to change something in our lives. It might mean that we will be uncomfortable.

For 13 years we sang the old traditional Baptist songs. I didn't even have to open the hymn book. I knew all the songs by heart. But I had become complacent. There was very little worship going on for me at church. I was going through the motions. But at home I would listen to contemporary Christian music and my soul would soar. I would stand in my kitchen and worship the Lord with all my heart. And, yes, He was working on me!!

Last year we changed churches. It was a very hard decision after so many years but after much prayer and tears we knew that God had a different plan for us. The church we now attend uses contemporary music in its worship service. We left our first service in such awe and knew that this was how God was supposed to be worshiped by His people. It has not always been the most comfortable experience. I am no longer going through the motion when I praise the Lord corporately with other believers and my eyes have been opened to God in a whole new way! He has used "new songs" to refreshen my heart and my spirit.

Some of my favorite Contemporary Christian Artists




www.thejustifiedband.com (our church youth band)

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