Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Vacation Bible School 2008 At a Glance

There is a lot of VBS curriculum available for 2008. This is an overview of some of the most popular. Click on each title to take you to the publisher site for more indepth information.

Vacation Bible School Themes for 2008

Outrigger Island

Publisher: Lifeway

Theme: Hawaiian, Luau

Motto: Live God’s Unshakeable Truth (Psalm 86:11)

Overview: Children will learn to know, speak and live God’s truth at Outrigger Island. In this tropical environment they will develop the ability to stand unshakeable in a world of shifting sands.

Daily Themes and Bible Stories:

Day 1- God is Real; God Spoke to Moses (Exodus 3)

Day 2- Jesus is God’s Son; Jesus is God’s Son (Luke 2:1-20)

Day 3- Jesus is the Only Way; Death, Burial and Resurrection (Mark 15:21-16:7)

Day 4- The Bible is God’s Word; Jeremiah and Baruch (Jeremiah 36)

Day 5- My Actions Show What I Believe; The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

Cost: Sampler Pack - $59.99; Super Sampler Pack - $189.99

Cactus Canyon

Publisher: Lifeway Theme: Western; Cowboy

Motto: Saddle Up! Tell Others! (John 3:16)

Overview: As they gather around the campfire children will learn the good news and how to tell others.

Daily Themes and Bible Stories:

Day 1- Good News; John the Baptist Told about Jesus (Mark 1:1-11)

Day 2- Good News for My Family; Andrew brought his brother to Jesus (John 1:35-42)

Day 3- Good News for My Friends; A Samaritan woman tells her town (John 4:1-30)

Day 4- Good News for Me; Cleopas recognized the risen Jesus (Luke 24:13-35)

Day 5- Good News for My World; The Good News was told to Jerusalem (Acts 2:1-15)

Cost: Starter Kit - $99.99

Amazon Expedition

Publisher: Answersingenesis

Theme: Amazon Jungle

Motto: Saddle Up! Tell Others! (John 3:16)

Overview: Children will learn the “seven C’s of history” while exploring the Amazon Rainforest. There is a major emphasis on a pologetics including the age of the earth and creation of dinosaurs.

Daily Themes and Bible Stories:

Day 1 - Creation–Destination Creation

Day 2 - Corruption–The Fall of All

Day 3 - Catastrophe–Water, Water Everywhere

Day 4 - Confusion–The Babel Rabble

Day 5 - Christ, Cross, Consummation–Sad Turns to Glad

Cost: Starter Kit - $99.99; Super Starter Kit $189.99

Egypt Expedition

Publisher: Apostles’ Publishing

Theme: Archaeology

Motto: Dig into God’s Word

Overview: Children will learn to thank, trust, obey. Love and believe God as they dig into his word.

Daily Themes and Bible Stories:

Day 1 - Thank God - Baby Moses is Rescued (Exodus 1-2:10)

Day 2 - Trust God - Elijah and the Prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:1-39)

Day 3 - Obey God - Jonah Disobeys God (Jonah 1-3)

Day 4 - Love God - Jesus Dies and Rises Again (John 19-20:31)

Day 5 - Believe God - Paul Shipwrecks on a Beach (Acts 27:1-44)

Cost: All-In-One Kit - $74.99; Electronic Kit - $24.99

Rainforest Adventure

Publisher: Augsburg Fortress

Theme: Amazon Rainforest; Jungle

Motto: Explore God’s Wondrous Love

Overview: Under the canopy of the rainforest children will learn about Stewardship and the importance of taking care of God’s world and each other.

Daily Themes and Bible Stories:

Day 1 - We Share; Boaz shares with Ruth (Ruth 2:1-17)

Day 2 - We Give; Elisha Gives Food to 100 People (2 Kings 4:42-44)

Day 3 - We Grow; Parable of the Mustard Seed (Mark 4:30-32)

Day 4 - We Love; Jesus the Vine (John 15:1-5, 7-17)

Day 5 - We Praise; Jesus Enters Jerusalem

Cost: Starter Kit-$69.99

Beach Party

Publisher: Cokesbury

Theme: Beach

Motto: Surfing through the Scriptures

Overview: Children will learn to ride the waves of God’s love and take home the Beach Be-Attitudes.

Daily Themes and Bible Stories:

Day 1 - Be Obedient - The Call of Gideon (Judges 6)

Day 2 - Be Kind - David’s Kindness to Mephisbosheth (2 Samuel 9:1-11)

Day 3 - Be Forgiving - The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant (Matthew 18:21-23)

Day 4 - Be Bold - A Woman Healed (Luke 8:40-48)

Day 5 - Believe - Jesus and Thomas (John 20:24-29)

Cost: Starter Kit-$64.99; Small Church Starter Kit - $44.99

Friendship Trek

Publisher: Concordia

Theme: Hiking; Forest

Motto: Jesus, Our Forever Friend

Overview: Children will take an amazing hike through God’s Word and experience Jesus as their friend as they learn to care for one another.

Daily Themes and Bible Stories:

Day 1 - Friends Reach Out - Jesus called Matthew (Matthew 9:9-13)

Day 2 - Friends Love - Jesus healed the centurion’s servant (Luke 7:1-10)

Day 3 - Friends Give - Jesus gave the blind man sight (John 9)

Day 4 - Friends Care - Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11:1-45)

Day 5 - Friends Share - Jesus died and rose (Luke 24:36-49)

Cost: Starter Kit-$74.99; Super Starter Kit - $174.99

Cosmic City

Publisher: David C. Cook

Theme: Outer Space

Motto: Explore the Awesome Wonder of God

Overview: As children explore the wondrous works of God they will learn that they have a place in his creation.

Daily Themes and Bible Stories:

Day 1 - God’s Wondrous Creation (Genesis 1-2)

Day 2 - Desert Wonder - God provided manna, quail and water for the Israelites (Exodus 16)

Day 3 - Healing Wonder - Jesus heals a paralyzed man (Luke 5:17-26)

Day 4 - Water Wonder - Jesus walks on water (Matthew 14:22-33)

Day 5 - Wonder of God Brought Down to Earth - Jesus’ resurrection (John 19)

Cost: Complete Kit - $99.99

Water Works Park

Publisher: David C. Cook

Theme: Water Park; Amusement Park

Motto: Where Kids Ride the Waves of God’s Love

Overview: Children will have fun diving into God’s Word with these water based Bible stories.

Daily Themes and Bible Stories:

Day 1 - God’s Love Finds a Way! - The Israelites cross the Red Sea (Exodus 14)

Day 2 - God Gives Us Hope! - Jesus calms the storm (Mark 4:25-41)

Day 3 - God is Powerful! - Elijah challenges the prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18)

Day 4 - God Gives Us Jobs to Do! - Jesus cooks for the disciples (John 21:1-19)

Day 5 - God Never Leaves Me! - Paul is shipwrecked (Acts 27)

Cost: Starter Kit-$99.99

SonWorld Adventure Park

Publisher: Gospel Light

Theme: Amusement Park

Motto: A Thrilling Ride with Jesus

Overview: Children will experience an exciting adventure as they learn what it means to choose Jesus as their Savior.

Daily Themes and Bible Stories:

Day 1 - Choose to Believe - Jesus restores the blind man’s sight (John 9)

Day 2 - Choose to Act - Jesus heals 10 sick men (Luke 17:11-19)

Day 3 - Choose Forgiveness - The paralyzed man (Mark 2:1-12)

Day 4 - Choose to Obey - The rich young ruler (Luke 18:18-27)

Day 5 - Chose Jesus - The disciple Thomas (John 20:19-29)

Cost: Starter Kit-$74.99; Super Starter Kit - $189.99

Power Lab

Publisher: Group Publishing

Theme: Science

Motto: Discovering the Miraculous Power of Jesus

Overview: As children are engaged with exciting science theme surprises they will gain a new enthusiasm for God’s Word.

Daily Themes and Bible Stories:

Day 1 - Jesus Gives Us the Power to be Thankful - Jesus Heals 10 Lepers (Luke 17:11-19)

Day 2 - Jesus Gives Us the Power to Help Others - Jesus gives sight to the blind man (John 9:1-41)

Day 3 - Jesus Gives Us the Power to be Brave - Peter walks on water (Matthew 14:22-33)

Day 4 - Jesus Gives Us the Power to Live Forever - Jesus dies and comes back to life (Luke 23)

Day 5 - Jesus Gives Us the Power to Tell Others About God - The Holy Spirit comes at Pentecost (Acts 2:1-47)

Cost: Starter Kit-$129.99

Jerusalem Marketplace

Publisher: Group

Theme: Holy Land Adventure

Motto: Where Jesus Walked to the Cross

Overview: By taking a step back in time children are immersed in Bible-times culture and discover that the events in the Bible really did take place.

Daily Themes and Bible Stories:

Day 1 - Jesus is King - Crowds welcome Jesus to Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1-11)

Day 2 - Jesus Showed God’s Love - Jesus shares the Passover feast (John 12:1-17)

Day 3 - Jesus Loves Us - Jesus prays in the garden and is arrested (John 17)

Day 4 - Jesus Died for Us - Jesus is crucified (Luke 23:26-55)

Day 5 - Jesus Lives - Jesus rises from the dead (Luke 24:1-12)

Cost: Starter Kit-$79.99

God's Big Backyard

Publisher: Standard

Theme: Park or Backyard play area

Motto: Where Kids Have a Blast Serving Jesus

Overview: This outdoor adventure starts in your own backyard and then gets bigger as children learn to take the love of Jesus into their neighborhoods.

Daily Themes and Bible Stories:

Day 1 - Serve Family - Miriam took care of Moses (Exodus 2)

Day 2 - Serve Friends - Four men carried their friend to Jesus (Mark 2)

Day 3 - Serve Neighbors - The Good Samaritan (Luke 10)

Day 4 - Serve Community - Zacchaeus met Jesus (Luke 19)

Day 5 - Serve Jesus - Peter and John tell others (Acts 3)

Cost: Starter Kit - $69.99; Power Pak - $199.99

Faith Finders Detective Club

Publisher: Standard

Theme: Detective; Spy

Motto: Uncover the Clues to Discover the Life of Jesus

Overview: Children join Agent Faith and Sherlock Bones to uncover clues to discover who Jesus is.

Daily Themes and Bible Stories:

Day 1 - Celebrate Jesus! - Jesus’ birth (Luke 2:1-20)

Day 2 - Worship Jesus! - Jesus’ Triumphant Entry (Matthew 21:1-11)

Day 3 - Trust Jesus! - Jesus feeds 5000 (Mark 6:30-44)

Day 4 - Serve Jesus! - Jesus washes the disciples feet (John 13:1-17)

Day 5 - Follow Jesus! - Jesus’ death (Matthew 27:11)

Cost: Basic CD-Rom Package - $29.99; Deluxe Package - $99.99

Good News Games

Publisher: Bogard Press

Theme: Olympics; Sports

Motto: Winning with God’s Team

Overview: The Olympic style setting is used to instill the truths of running the good race in the hearts of the children.

Daily Themes and Bible Stories:

Day 1 - Receive Jesus as Savior - Paul signed up for service (Acts 9:1-9)

Day 2 - Join Other Believers in True Church - Paul teamed up with believers (Acts 9:10-31)

Day 3 - Learn Ways to Serve the Lord - Paul trained with Barnabas (Acts 11:19-30)

Day 4 - Grow in Christian Service - Paul powered up with Christ (Acts 18:1-11)

Day 5 - Serve Christ Your Whole Life - Paul finished up with boldness (Acts 28:16-31)

Cost: Sample Kit - $65.00

1 comment:

luther said...

I would like to ask any larger churches in the St. Charles area to see when their VBS is and if they would be willing to provide any access curriculum and or decorations. I can be contacted at 636-293-4765